
Rajab Month Islamic Events

1 Rajab– Wiladat Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s)  the 5th  Imam ‐ (57 A.H.)
5 Rajab– Wiladat Imam Ali Naqi al‐Hadi (a.s) the 10th  Imam ‐ (214 A.H.)
3 Rajab– Shahadat Imam Ali Naqi al‐Hadi (a.s) ]the 10th Holy Imam ‐ (254 A.H.)
10 Rajab– Wiladat Imam Muhammad Taqi al‐Jawwad (a.s.) the 9th Holy Imam ‐ (195 A.H.)
12 Rajab– Death of Hazrat Abbas ibn‐e‐Abdul Muttalib (a.s.)  uncle of Prophet Muhammad (saww)
13 Rajab– Wiladat  Imam Ali (a.s) – the 1st  Imam  (30 Aamul Feel)
13, 14th, 15th – Ayyam‐e‐Bayd – the bright days
15 Rajab– Death of Hazrat Zainab bin‐e‐Ali (a.s)  (62 A.H.)
20 Rajab– Wiladat Hazrat Sakina bint‐al‐Hussain (a.s.) – (57 A.H.)
24 Rajab– Battle of Khaibar – (7 A.H.)
25 Rajab– Shahadat Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) the 7th  Imam ‐ (183 A.H.)
26 Rajab– Death of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s) [Disputed date]
27 Rajab– Event of Mairaj
28 – Start of journey of Imam Hussain (a.s) towards Karbala – (60 A.H.)
29 – Battle of Tabooq – (9 A.H.)



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