
Zil Hajj Month Islamic Events

1 Zilhajj ‐ Marriage of Imam Ali (a.s.) and Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.a)
7 Zilhajj‐ Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad Baqir(a.s.) – the 5th Holy Imam ‐ (114 A.H.)
9 Zilhajj‐ Day of Arafat: Ziarat-e-Imam Hussain (as) on this Day | Ziarat-e-Jamia for this day
Zilhajj- Shahadat Hazarat Muslim ibn‐e‐Aqeel (a.s.) & Hazrat Hani ibn Urwah (a.s.) – (60 A.H.)
10 Zilhajj- Eid‐al‐Adha
10 Zilhajj- Hajj‐e‐Baitullah
15 Zilhajj‐ Wiladat Imam Ali Naqi al Hadi (a.s.)  the 10th  Imam ‐ (214 A.H.) [Disputed date]
18 Zilhajj- Eid‐e‐Ghadeer – (10 A.H.)
23 Zilhajj‐ Shahadat Hazrat Meesam al‐Tammar (Ra) friend of Imam Ali (a.s.) – ( 60 A.H.)
24 Zilhajj‐ Eid‐e‐Mubahila ‐ (10 A.H.)
24 Zilhajj‐ Supplication Day and giving of alms with the ring by Imam Ali (A.s)
25 - Imam Ali (A.s) accepts to become the Caliph of Islam – (35 A.H.)



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